Footnote constructs

Problem statement: a part of the user interface (A) needs to reference another part (B). Visually we can glance at the refered bit. But:

  1. how to we bake in the relationship non-visually?
  2. how do we avoid the distraction inherent in interrupting experience of A and still making the relationship to and experience of B seamless?
  3. if B is not visually in the viewport - how do we bridge the gap?

Note: this may be a pseudo problem. Seen in the wild in some ERP applications.

The problem

If you fill this application, you may receive a visit *

If you do not fill it, you may receive a visit from someone else **

If you fill it out incorrectly, well, no one wants that ***

A long, very long and very tall bunch of goober. To spare pixels the box has been made tall without adding any more content than this.

* from the Tooth Fairy!

** from Rocco! After that you will have plenty to trade with the Tooth Fairy

*** let's not even speak of this

Example 2
Example 3